About Us

Daily money management and scam protection services

DocuPlan is a daily money management service in Atlanta, Georgia. We assist busy professionals, older adults and financial guardians by administering the financial details of their lives. DocuPlan eases the burden of bill paying, phone, email and text protection and other day-to-day financial details. We are committed to helping you maintain your financial independence and freeing your time to do the things that matter most to you.

DocuPlan is insured and follows the Code of Ethics of the Society of Certified Senior Advisors and The American Association of Daily Money Managers. All personal business assistance is individualized and confidential.

A Team of Experts

Jane Doe

Licensed Psychologist

MS, NPT-C, NCC (she, her)


Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be giving up my independence if I hire DocuPlan?

On the contrary, the assistance of a DocuPlan manager is often the critical piece of life's puzzle that allows many seniors to avoid guardianship or loss of independence.

What will the services of DocuPlan cost, and what are the billing methods?

DocuPlan charges for its services on an hourly basis or for ongoing needs a flat monthly rate. If hourly, we charge for mileage and out-of-pocket expenses, such as postage or shipping made on a client's behalf. A DocuPlan manager will provide an initial free assessment of individual needs and submit a proposal for services that outlines all costs.

How will you protect my confidentiality and private information?

Daily Money Managers (DMMs) adhere to legal, HIPAA, AADMM Standards of Practice, and AADMM Ethics Code guidelines. Each DMM has a client contract outlining their responsibilities. Clients must provide written consent for DMMs to discuss private information with outside individuals, including family members or professional partners. DMMs will not disclose unauthorized information unless mandated by a court order.

Where do we perform our work?

We work from our office, onsite at your location, or a combination of both, depending on your preferences.

Set up controls for online purchasing

H2 - Headlinepurchasing

Scrub your data from online databases


Freeze and Monitor Credit

Get alerts when someone tries to open a new credit card. Get notified when there's been a large purchase on credit cards.